
Diagnosing and Repairing Distributed Routing Configurations Using Selictive Symbolic Execution

Pleco is the first automated router configuration diagnosis tool to apply program analysis to distributed router configuration diagnosis. Specifically, Pleco uses the requirements to generate the reference route propagation graph, performs selective symbolic execution to find the correct execution trace quickly, and pinpoints the errors via the symbolic trace conditions. Pleco also introduces optimizations to handle multi-protocol networks and 𝑘-link failure tolerance errors. In this website, we provide a interactive demo to demonstrate the functionality of Pleco.

Try It Out!

Pleco is all you need in network configuration diagnosis!

Start Pleco demo first, then randomly select errors you want to introduce to the configuration. Pleco will diagnosis errors that impact on reachability in seconds.



Modification on one error configuration component won't trigger other violations.


The searching space is significantly reduced by selective symbolic execution.


Diagnosis and repair results pinpoint the root cause and are easy-understanding.


Diagnosis and repair in minutes with a low memory-usage.